ComfortZone Inc. was Ronnie’s new consulting firm.  His tagline:  “Avoid risk, stay put, and win with the status quo”, was not drawing in the clients he had imagined it would.

Out of desperation, Ronnie decided to call Nathan, a childhood friend.  Nathan was all over Linkedin.  His consulting firm, Can Do LLC seemed to be flourishing.  Nathan picked up the phone after one ring.  “Can Do!  How can I help you?”

The Risk-Averse Leader is an OxyMORONic Leader

After catching up on family news and old high school gossip, Ronnie told Nathan about his new business.  When Ronnie told Nathan his tagline, he heard a snort come through the phone.

“Now that is unique.  I have never heard anyone promote the status quo before.  What’s been the response from the companies you approached.”

“It’s interesting. The people in the HR departments seem the most receptive.  They like my message and my programs.  But, when they get me in front of the CEO’s or Vice President’s I hit the wall.  What should I do?”

“Before I say anything, I need to know more about your programs and services.”

Ronnie sent Nathan a link to his webpage.  As Nathan read through the course descriptions he was amazed.

ComfortZone Inc. Website

Too Much Change 

The world is full of change.  If you want to truly stand out in the crowd, remain the same.  There are people in the market place who appreciate the way things always were. 

While your competition caters to the ever changing majority, we will teach you how to maintain your dwindling base.  By doing this you will always know what your customer wants. 

Plus, your most trusted employees will always feel comfortable in their jobs.  They will grow old with you.  Any new blood you bring in will either adapt to the culture of yesteryear, or they will move on to a place they feel challenged. 

The world may be changing around you, but stability will always attract the customers and employees that will let you play it safe!

Leadership Doesn’t Have To Be Uncomfortable

A leader who wants to avoid drama will find people who already think like him/her.  When surrounded by other people who want to avoid conflict and maintain the status quo, a leader will always be in his/her Comfort Zone.

If you have people on your team who like risky ventures, we will teach you the techniques a leader can use to minimize that person’s influence. 

Learn how to shut them down early and often. Plus, learn to consistently discuss past failures until they either get in line with your status quo culture or they leave for another company.

You have climbed the success ladder.  Why should you feel uncomfortable?  At ComfortZone Inc., we help leaders avoid sticky situations.  We will help you identify people who like things just the way they are.   

Know The Results Before You Begin 

Despite what others may say, you CAN know how things will turn out.  By requiring your people to produce stacks of data that backs up every assumption, and then asking them to guarantee the outcome, you can avoid risky decisions.

We will coach you to ask about every possible bad scenario.  We will point out issues that rarely come up and train you to demand the answers so you can make a risk free decision.

The result will be people will stop coming to you with new ideas.  Your world will become more predictable, and your people will always stay within their current realm of expertise. They will always come to you before making even the smallest decisions.

At ComfortZone Inc. we know that making a mistake could be the worst thing that ever happens to you or your team.  We will show you how changing your current direction should only be done in an environment where risk is eliminated.

ComfortZone Inc. Versus Can Do LLC.

“Wow, Ronnie.  You certainly put a lot of thought into these courses.  How many customers have you signed up in the last 6 months?”

“I got the local DMV and two other government agencies so far.  I think I have a lead at the US Postal Service as well. But, no for profit businesses to date.”

“Ronnie, I have to run, but I would like you to take a look at my web page.  My offerings are not quite as detailed as yours, but I have been very successful working with some great organizations.”

“I did glance at it earlier. But, I am not sure if I am comfortable going the direction you have gone Nathan.”

“I understand, Ronnie.  We all have our niche.  Perhaps yours is with the government agencies.  Many of those agencies seem to share your values.  I am off to speak at the Innovative CEO Summit in Vail, CO.  Plus, I get a week of skiing.  Wish me luck!”

After hanging up the phone, Ronnie looked at Nathan’s web site one more time.

Can Do LLC Website

Change Is The Only Constant

Riding the wave of change is the fastest way to reach land.  Quit paddling against the current and win.  Embracing change is the only way to survive and thrive in today’s business world.

Leadership Through Risk Aversion Inspires No One

We have never met an inspirational leader who battles for the status quo.  Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and Ronald Reagan all tore down walls with their words.  They not only inspired their closest friends, they changed a nation and changed a world.  They didn’t ignore the risks involved.  They recognized the risks and decided the need for change outweighed the risks of failure.

Plan, Start, Refine:  How Leaders Take Action

A good plan is an essential element of leadership. But, a perfect plan is unattainable.  We will train you and your team on how to build a workable plan, implement it and then make the necessary adjustments to succeed.  The adjustments a team makes at half time most often lead to victory. 

As Ronnie closed the Can Do LLC website he was shaking his head.  It was obvious to him that Nathan was another one of those consultants riding the “Change is good” fad.

The Bottom Line:

The Risk-Averse Leader is an OxyMORONic Leader.  A real leader must accept that there will be times that taking a risk is necessary.

3 Leadership Truisms Risk-Averse Leaders Ignore

  1. Change is the only constant in life.
  2. Leadership is uncomfortable.
  3. You can never be sure of the results.

The truth is- Managers maintain the status quo while leaders lead change.  A stagnant person will manage a stagnant team until the status quo defeats them all.


What change do you need to quit fighting and embrace?