I have no words.  What can I do?  This does not make any sense.  It is not fair.

I agree.  That is what I feel right now, plus so much more.  I have anger and sadness.

People have died and there are people in pain in Texas and across the ocean to other countries because of a car wreck last night.  There are 5 things I know I can do.  Will you join me?

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Click on slide to go to Go Fund Me.

1.  Pray

I pray for the husband and father who has to now deal with the loss of his soulmate and the mother of his 3 children.  I pray for those children who must now go through life without their mother.  I pray for the parents who sent their child to another country for a better education and a better life.  I pray for all the Brook Hill staff, the friends and the families who will minister to these people in the coming days, weeks, and months.

2. Give

There are medical expenses.  There are expenses for the international boarding student’s family.  There are expenses I do not even no about yet.  My son set up a Go Fund Me account for these families last night.  If you wish to help…whether you know these families or not,  here is the link:  GO FUND ME – Medical Expenses for BH Families.

3.  Grieve

I feel the loss. It hurts me. I am sad. This is a punch to the gut. It is another revelation of the mortality of everyone I love here on this earth. I am ready to go when God calls me. But, I am not ready to see the ones I love go.  I grieve for my friend (the husband and father). I grieve for a family I do not know in another country.  They were not ready to see the ones they love go!

4.  Believe

I must grieve and also believe in the grace of Christ more than ever.  I know there is a peace this mother had, that transcends all understanding.  That type of peace can only come from a faith in God’s plan.  A faith she held strongly too.  A faith she would want everyone to understand and share with others, including her family.

5.  Share

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I am not helpless.  I can help.  I may not understand why.  But I understand I need to  do something.

Please do something with me.

If not all five things, then please start with prayer.