Over-Analysis Causes Me Headaches

Every time people around me use statements or questions from the list below, I feel an aneurysm coming on.  They make my head hurt just reading them. “We need to study this further.” “Are you sure?” “But what if…” “We need to cover all our bases.” “Can we run some more numbers?” “Who’s going to […]

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Three Reasons To Speak Up

If I challenge my boss, she will thank me.  If I speak up for what is right, my boss will not persecute me.  If I fight for my integrity despite pressure from above, I will always keep my job. None of these results are guaranteed if I do the right thing.  The only time I […]

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The General Discusses What Integrity Really Is

Integrity:  Doing what is good, right, and proper, even at personal cost.  That is the definition my father General James L. Anderson taught me years ago. I had the opportunity to do a talk with my father on the topic of Courage in business. The Lesson: You can’t have Integrity without having Courage. This video is […]

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The Confident Leader Vs. The Arrogant Leader

Martin’s reputation for arrogance preceded him. He was assigned to our leadership team whether we wanted him to be there or not. I decided to ignore his reputation and form my own opinions about Martin. I never tried harder to like someone in my entire life.   Unfortunately, the rumors about Martin were accurate. Confidence is […]

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The Character Workout for Leaders

You have to DO what you want to BE!  If you want to BE a Leader of Character, you have to DO what Leaders of Character DO! Today’s video was a short talk given to over 800 people at this year’s Leadercast event. Question: What do you need to start DOing to BE the Leader […]

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Hire and Fire For Values – Part 2 Firing

It takes a lot of work to fire someone these days.  Our friends in the legal profession have made the process of firing employees incredibly time consuming.  For some leaders, this process is a disincentive for doing the right thing. When a leader  allows a low performer to stay, that leader is failing.  In the […]

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Hire and Fire For Values – Part 1 Hiring

Why does one person get hired over another?  Why does one person get fired over another?  Performance is a good reason.  Values are an even better reason. A hypocrite is someone who says one thing but does another.  Therefore, an organization that claims values that they do not demonstrate is hypocritical and so is its […]

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Integrity – Is Honesty Enough?

Honesty or Integrity? Are they the same thing? Is one more important than the other? Many people use the terms interchangeably confusing one with the other. You can be an honest person and have questionable Integrity. Honesty is a part of Integrity, but they are not the same thing.

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The Cure for Our Culture’s Leadership Crisis

I don’t have to convince many people that leadership or the lack of good leadership is plaguing our culture.  Watch politics, read business journals, or see the breakdown of the family unit and it is obvious. But what is the answer?  There is more to improving as a leader than reading a book or going […]

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Do I Own The Wins AND The Losses?

“When an archer misses the bulls eye, he doesn’t blame the target.” What is it about our human nature that causes us to seek excuses for when we fall short?  Even some of the best sales people and leaders I have been around, can identify something outside of their control that caused them to miss […]

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