Bad-Old Habits Vs. Good-New Habits

I used to swear a lot, drink too much and eat Buffalo wings for a meal 3-4 times a week. Today I rarely swear, have a beer occasionally with a meal, and eat Buffalo wings once in a blue moon.
I used to swear a lot, drink too much and eat Buffalo wings for a meal 3-4 times a week. Today I rarely swear, have a beer occasionally with a meal, and eat Buffalo wings once in a blue moon.
All leaders would love to have a low maintenance team (LMT). A LMT allows a leader to focus on the big things and avoid the day to day hassles that could and should be handled at lower levels. When a leader does that, the leader and the team are more engaged and burnout and turnover […]
What are my priorities for 2013? What accounts and what goals should I focus my efforts on? The time is now to think ask these questions. Do not wait until after the holidays. These are key questions that will help me continue to grow and lead others to grow. Taking the time to get the […]
I am one of those guys who does not always get to control the TV remote in my house. Because of this dynamic, my desire to watch Deadliest Catch or SportsCenter is put on hold so my wife can watch one of her cooking shows. One thing I often hear on these shows is to […]
Adversity builds character. I find that the people I admire have not always had things easy. Somewhere, at sometime in their past, these people overcame circumstances in their lives that changed them. They walk with a limp. Through my 15 years of interviewing, hiring and training people I discovered that finding people who walk with […]
When I relocated to Texas after 5 years managing in Buffalo, NY, I took over a team where one of the representatives had gone through initial training with me. Lori and I had known each other for 10 years. Two months into being her boss, Lori asked me point blank, “What is your problem? This […]
I couldn’t wait to be promoted. I knew all the things I wanted to accomplish. I was also looking forward to the perks of leadership. In the Army we used to say, “Rank Has It’s Privileges (RHIP).” But, years later, I realized that these sentiments were naive. They seem real to someone who has not […]
I officiated my first wedding last month. It was a great celebration. But, I did not make it to the dance floor at the reception. I saw a video of my dancing once. That new perspective is all it took to keep me from the dance floor at this recent wedding. If you have ever […]
My four years at West Point began and ended at Michie Stadium. July 1, 1985 was a beautiful sunny day filled with fear and anxiety as I said goodbye to my loving parents and hello to the not-so-loving upperclassmen. The principles of leadership taught at West Point served me well as a young platoon leader […]
I’ve read multiple articles on how coaches should deliver negative feedback. As part of a Fortune 50 company with a stellar training department, I sat through many sessions on the same topic. I even wrote a blog a few weeks ago addressing some of these coaching issues: Wanted Coaches: Wimps Need Not Apply. So much […]