No one ever gets in shape by reading a fitness magazine or by going to the gym once. We get in shape by actually breaking a sweat. You have to do more than read the principles in a book or article. You need to DO them.

You have to DO what you want to BE!


One of the simplest truths in the world is that we will never become good at anything unless we actually do that thing. Good intentions and the desire to be good at something are never enough to get us to the point where we are actually good.

We must attempt that thing the first time no matter how difficult it may seem. Without trying something new, we will never become anything beyond who we already are.

Every thing is hard before it gets easy. We must get started and then practice doing it until we become proficient.

To read more on becoming great click on the following title:

The 3 Keys to Being Great at Anything

But, to be great, we must practice over an extended period of time until that skill becomes a habit. It must become part of who we are to the point where it is almost an unconscious behavior.

The Key Is Doing It

The great free throw shooters in basketball don’t think about mechanics while the shoot. They just shoot because their mechanics are habitual now due to practice.

That is how we become good at anything. That is how great athletes or great chefs become great. They practice. That is how we will become the Leaders of Character that is missing in our culture today. Practice.

  • Unless we consistently act with Courage, we likely are cowards.
  • Unless we consistently act with Humility, we probably think too much of ourselves.
  • Unless we consistently act with Integrity, we are not trustworthy.
  • Unless we consistently do our Duty, we are not dependable.
  • Unless we consistently act Selflessly, we probably are self-absorbed.
  • Unless we consistently exhibit a positive Attitude, we probably believe we are entitled.

The Bottom Line:

My father, General Jim Anderson (Click on his name to read more about him.) and I are writing a book together.  This book is a workout plan that will build your character muscles. We provide the workout plan. But, you must provide the effort.

We will provide you with the exercises that will build your Habits of Character: Courage, Humility, Integrity, Duty, Selflessness, and Attitude. Howeverjust like any good fitness plan, this plan will only be effective if you put in the effort to make it work.

But don’t wait on any book or anyone to come along and become your personal trainer or life coach. The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The next best time is today.

You have people on your team and in your family that are counting on you to become the leader you always wanted to be. You can start becoming that person you want to be by practicing!

DO what you want to BE!


What makes it hard for you to DO the things that will help you become the leader you want to BE?