Selflessness or selfishness. We all make daily choices that prove we are selfish or selfless. Selfishness limits our ability to lead and have truly committed followers.

If you really want to understand what type of character someone has, look at the choices they make on a habitual basis. When faced with choosing what THEY want versus what may be best for others, what do they choose? Selflessness or selfishness?

Selfishness limits

Leaders of Character understand some things about leadership that selfish leaders do not.

  • The leader is there for the led and not vice versa.
  • It is not the role of the leader to get his way, but to find the best way.
  • If the leader is not developing his people, he is not leading.

Selflessness  is a Habit of Character that we can all develop. We develop Selflessness and every Habit of Character in the same way – through consistently making the choice to act selflessly.

Andersons’ 12 Word or less Definition of Selflessness

Putting the needs of others before my own needs, desires or convenience.

The Daily Choices

What do our choices display? Do we choose our own needs, desires, or convenience over what is best for another person?

When faced with these choices, other Habits of Character are involved. It takes both Courage and Humility to put aside our own needs, desires, or convenience in order to exercise Selflessness.

I use the verb “exercise” because that is in fact what we are doing. Each time we perform a selfless act, it is like building a muscle at the gym – that muscle gets stronger.

Think of it like reps in the gym when we are lifting weights. With each choice we make – each character rep – we are strengthening our character. #CharacterReps (credit to @COLCraigFlowers)

If we choose to exercise Selflessness, we are also strengthening our Courage and Humility, similar to the way a bench press works not only the chest, but also the shoulders and the triceps.

We don’t get stronger and more fit by exercising every once in awhile. We gain strength and fitness with consistent exercise.

We will not become a selfless Leader of Character by periodically putting the needs of others before our own needs, desires, and convenience. It must be done regularly to become a Habit of Character and to be strong enough to rely on when we face the big tests in life and in leadership.

If you want to see where your character is right now, take the following online My Mirror Character Assessment. IT FREE! And no one sees the results but you.

Click here:  http:/

The Bottom Line:

Selfishness is a choice. Selflessness is a choice. Each time we choose our own needs, desires, or convenience over the needs of the people we lead, we damage our ability to lead them.

With every choice we make, we take a step closer to becoming a Leader of Character, or we take a step further away. If you are looking in the mirror right now and realizing you have been making selfish choices and losing the commitment of those you wish to lead, there is great news!

You can begin to change your character today! You can make a new choice and start developing the muscles called Selflessness. It won’t be easy. Those first workouts never are. But we never get in shape unless sweat is involved do we!

To BE a Leader of Character, we must begin to DO the things Leaders of Character do. We must put aside our own selfish natures and place the needs of others first.

This is a choice. Each time we make that choice, it makes it easier to make that choice again. That is how all habits are formed. That is how a Habit of Character is formed. That is how Selflessness is formed. That is how we become a Leader of Character.


What part of selfishness is hardest to fight – your needs, desires, or convenience?

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