WWWWD or better W4D.  I am sucker for the movie Braveheart.  I love the action, the humor and the history of it.  My wife always knows when I have watched clips of the movie, because she comes home to my bad Scottish accent.

But, beyond that, I love the hero.  William Wallace sets an example of leadership and of manhood all of us should aspire to.  What if leaders used William Wallace as a filter to for our own leadership?


5 Examples William Wallace Set For Leaders

 1.  He had a cause bigger than himself.

William Wallace was fighting for a cause he believed in.  His cause had nothing to do with his own success, comfort or prestige.  He fought for the Scottish people.  He fought for the idea of freedom.  He led in order to improve the lives of others.


Why am I leading?  What is my inspiration?  Is it about me or is it about others?

2.  He did not thirst for leadership or the limelight.

In the movie, William Wallace was a reluctant leader.  He did not want to be part of a rebellion.  He did not fight until the injustice of the English king touched him personally.  When he realized people were following him, he led them.

But, he begged the Scottish nobles to lead.  He positioned the heir to the Scottish throne to take his place and promised to follow him.  The goal was not power, prestige or success.  William Wallace’s goal was Scottish freedom.


Why do I want to be the leader?  Is a leadership position my goal, like the Scottish nobles?  Or is leading and inspiring others to greatness what I was called to do?

3.  He challenged the leadership of others.

In more than one scene, Wallace uses harsh words to challenge the nobles who were supposed to be the leaders of the Scottish people.  He went to them and asked them to lead.

He pointed out their petty rivalries and their selfish ambitions.  Then he offered to follow them.  But when they would not lead, he stepped forward and did what needed to be done.


Am I willing to challenge my leaders in the face of moral failures?  Am I prepared to take the action necessary for the good of my people if the leaders above me are not?

4.  He inspired with words and actions.

There are some fantastic lines throughout Braveheart.  When I quote them, my sad rendition of a Scottish accent often accompanies my words.  William Wallace’s words were always accompanied with action.

The words of his famous “freedom speech” inspired his army that day.  Many may have stayed on the battlefield that day because of his passionate oratory.  But they fought that day and for years to come because of what they saw him do.

His eloquent words would have meant nothing if he had finished and said “Now go get em!” and walked back into his office.  William Wallace led from the front.  He was covered with the same mud and blood as his men.


What am I asking others to do that I need to model for them?  Where can I lead from the front?

5.  He never compromised his values for victory.

Victory at all costs was not his purpose.  William Wallace was offered lands, and riches.  He had opportunities to take a princess hostage and act deceitfully.  But, he never compromised his values.  He maintained his integrity, his loyalty, and his soul.

At the end of the movie, William Wallace had the opportunity to deny his values to make things easier on himself, but he chose to die instead.  He chose his values over his comfort and never witnessed the ultimate victory of his cause.


Am I willing to suffer defeat in order to maintain my values?

The Bottom Line:

William Wallace was just a man.  Braveheart is just a movie.  But, the model of leadership presented in this movie gives us all something to aspire to.


  • What is my purpose?
  • Why do I lead?
  • Am I willing to challenge moral failure or moral indifference?
  • Do my actions align with my words?
  • Am I unwilling to compromise my values at any cost?

W4D is also a great question for men who are searching for what real manhood looks like:  honor, humility, strength, courage, respect….


What movie hero do you see as another leader worth emulating?  Why?